
Battery recycling survey leads to Radio stardom!

Posted on 11th January, 2018

During December 2017, BatteryBack carried out its annual battery recycling survey for the second year to understand the battery recycling awareness and habits of UK households.

This highlighted that there was a small increase in those recycling batteries compared to last year but worryingly, a third of those questions still admitted to throwing batteries in the rubbish bin. One third of these stated that they didn’t realise batteries could be recycled, many others could not be bothered to recycle them.

To increase awareness, live radio interviews were organised for Mon 8th December and Dave Reynolds battled through the snow to London, donned his ear phones again and found himself in a studio at BBC Broadcasting House answering live questions from radio presenters across the country.

The sessions went well and were an excellent opportunity to help raise awareness of the ease and benefits of battery recycling. All interviews went well with one presenter even asking Dave if it was really possible to change lead into gold!

The research also highlighted that the “Man Drawer” is alive and well with over 430 million batteries being stored in homes across the UK!