
Making site clearances easy

Posted on 11th November, 2013

Moving offices is in many cases a time consuming and costly affair and the waste left behind is usually the last thing on the companies mind and often dealt with as an afterthought.

WasteCare has developed a cost effective and efficient service to help companies deal with the challenge, however large. This was the case when two large companies moved office in October. The BBC and the Daily Mail both recently relocated leaving behind large sites full of redundant equipment.

Between the two sites, 900 CRT monitors, 4 tonnes of mixed WEEE and 10 tonnes of chemicals were collected and sent for the recycling. Not only can the companies now rest assured that the sites are cleared, they can now also take comfort in knowing all the waste will be working its way up the waste hierarchy and that all data bearing devices are securely wiped in accordance with ADISA.