A union has claimed that if councils sent less rubbish to landfill they would be able to save more jobs.
The GMB Union has been highlighting the difference in recycling figures across the country. As an example they have compared South Warwickshire who performed very well and North Warwickshire who are amongst the worst recyclers in the country.
Both Stafford and Rugby are amongst the top recyclers in the country sending 50 per cent or less of their waste to landfill. Whereas, in North Warwickshire only 27 per cent of waste was recycled.
The Union pointed out that if Councils were able to cut their landfill bills they wouldn’t have to make as many cuts to front line services.
Joe Morgan, GMB regional secretary, told the Telegraph: “Landfill is an added tax on authorities and the more they have to pay out the more they are looking for cuts.
“We are concerned that there are a lot of people who work in refuse and recycling departments and their jobs are at risk if authorities either fail their recycling requirements or if they have to pay landfill tax.”