
WEEE2 Success

Posted on 1st July, 2013

WasteCare Group’s recent WEEE2 conferences in Leeds and London were a great success, giving all attendees the unique chance to directly lobby Government. Feedback from the event reflects this feeling with many attendees stating that it was “well organised, with informative speakers”. Speakers and delegates represented stakeholders from producers, retailers, local government, compliance schemes and recyclers. The live poll carried out at both events strongly suggests that the general consensus favours keeping with the current regulations with amendments. With this in mind, WasteCare Group have recently submitted a response to the consultation which outlines how the existing regulations could be improved to better suit all stakeholders whilst still maximising WEEE recycling levels.

WasteCare will be following the story closely over the coming months and will keep all stakeholders informed of any progress via the newsletter and website. For the latest information visit www.weeecare.co.uk.