Electronic Waste Recycling

Our dedicated Approved Authorised Treatment Facility (AATF) is the largest electrical recycling and reuse operation in the UK.

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WEEE recycling and reuse

We will collect your company’s untested or faulty WEEE one a one-off or scheduled basis, for recycling or reuse testing.

Both small and large domestic appliances are tested at our dedicated AATF site, to ensure the maximum number of units can be placed back onto the UK market. For WEEE that is graded fit for reuse, we endeavour to offer revenue share back to our customers on any resale where possible.

This operation enables us to produce upwards of 60,000 reconditioned appliances every year, which are then supplied to charities, housing associations, and independent retailers to maximise value.

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Efficient, low – cost waste collections from your business

All Waste Types | Licensed Recycling | Nationwide Service
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Electronic waste treated by Wastecare

The WEEE waste streams we most commonly recondition or recycle include:

Washing machines

Fridges & freezers

Small domestic appliances

IT Equipment

Mobile phones & tablets

Televisions & projectors


Photography Equipment

Washing machines

Fridges & freezers

Small domestic appliances

IT Equipment

Mobile phones & tablets

Televisions & projectors


Photography Equipment

About our secure data erasure process

Wastecare’s secure data erasure and disposal service, is a process by which the information held on your company’s redundant IT equipment is irretrievably destroyed, in a manner which maintains the security of both the equipment and its information during the entire process. 

We use the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) certified software Blancco, to securely erase data from electronic equipment drives. Using sophisticated overwriting patterns, the software ensures all traces of data are erased including data stored in remote areas of the phone, tablet or computer’s hard drive.

Are you a producer of EEE onto the UK Market?

You may need to join a WEEE Producer Compliance Scheme

If you import or place household electrical equipment onto the UK market, you may need to register as an EEE producer and enrol with a Producer Compliance Scheme.

  • If you place more than 5 tonnes of EEE on the UK market in a compliance year, you’re a large producer and must register with a producer compliance scheme
  • As one of the largest collectors and recyclers of WEEE in the UK, Wastecare Compliance can meet a large proportion of our member’s obligations from the WEEE material we process
  • We publish our recycling evidence prices online to ensure complete transparency

Speak to our WEEE Producer Compliance team today to discuss your obligation. Call 0330 331 1801 or email compliance@wastecare.co.uk.

Frequently Asked Questions

An AATF is a licensed ATF (1) (or registered exempt) site carrying out treatment on waste electrical and electronic wastes. Treatment can include de-pollution, disassembly, shredding, recovery or preparation for disposal.

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