
2014 WEEE targets finalised

Posted on 1st April, 2014

WEEE compliance schemes have been informed of the overall tonnage of waste electrical equipment that they will be required to collect on behalf of their members.
Overall, schemes will be obligated to collect 490,000 tonnes of WEEE in 2014, around 15,289 tonnes higher than the total amount collected in 2013. This will mean that WEEE collection rates will need to increase by around 3% in order for the target to be met.
Targets have also been set for each category of electronic equipment based upon the growth or decline in tonnage of WEEE of that type collected during the previous 12 months. According to BIS, this method is more likely to reflect the most realistic volume of WEEE available.
This means that compliance schemes collecting WEEE streams for which tonnages are declining – such as display equipment, where products are becoming lighter and therefore less WEEE is available – will be required to collect less material than in previous years.
A version of this story was originally posted on letsrecycle.com