The latest solutions for recycling plastic – and the best quality and value feedstock for your manufacturing process
PolymerCare – WasteCare’s newest brand – recycles plastic polymer material and offers colour specific grades of all polymers to manufacturers. We can offer waste producers a rebate on suitable plastic waste and help manufacturers achieve great savings over using exclusively virgin materials.
What We Take In
PolymerCare takes in discarded post consumer plastics. These are generally the larger scrapped items that households and businesses dispose of when end-of-life. Until now there has not been a reliable UK destination where they can be efficiently recycled. Unlike other recyclers we can process the heavier, larger items that every household ultimately produces.
Products for Sale
Our fully automated recycling line produces 98% pure polymer specific regrind flakes which are suitable for direct introduction into compounding extruders. The high quality and consistent content of our products enables manufacturers to obtain very high yields and produce compounds with high impact properties.
What we sell
We produce a variety of standard polymers in a number of different formats. Sub-40mm size shred and regrind sub-10mm size flakes in HDPE, Polypropylene, ABS, HIPS, PVC, Polycarbonate, Acetyl and Nylon are all produced, and are all dry, clean and free of dust and metal. PolymerCare also offers colour specific grades of all polymers, so for example customers can specify a red, green, yellow or even a near natural grade that can be incorporated into their own manufacturing – with great savings over using virgin materials.
Mixed Rigid Plastics Wanted
PolymerCare is always looking for regular supplies of mixed rigid plastics from household sources. We specialise in the larger durable discarded plastics – basically the plastic items which would otherwise end up at the local civic amenity site. We prefer mixed baled materials that are fairly consistent and always pay promptly for full loads that meet our purchasing specification.
Waste does not need to be sorted into specific polymer types, just let us know what you are collecting and we can quickly liaise with you to find a solution that provides you with a robust and consistent destination for these problematic fractions.