
Photographic waste recovery requires license

Posted on 25th November, 2007

The long awaited decision on whether photographic laboratories and mini-labs are permitted to treat waste photo chemicals on-site without a license has now been reached.

The Environment Agency’s Low Risk Activity Group on Tuesday 9 October has considered arguments both for and against allowing the discharge of photo waste to drain after on-site treatment.

After careful consideration of the impact to the environment and potential risk to health the committee has decided that this activity is subject to Regulation and cannot be considered low risk.

The implication of this decision is that any business wishing to operate on-site equipment for the treatment of photographic chemicals will require both specific discharge consent as well as a full waste management license. The EA have stresses that they will prosecute existing operations if they fail to apply for the appropriate licenses. This ruling is likely to have impact on other sectors, subject to future rulings by the LRAG.