
Advice to registered Hazardous Waste Producers

Posted on 1st March, 2016

The end of Hazardous Waste Registration in England

Up until the end of March, if you produce more than 500kg of hazardous waste you need to be registered as a HW Producer with the EA. Until then we will continue to make sure all our clients are correctly registered as necessary.

As part of the Red Tape Challenge the Environment Agency are abolishing the need to register hazardous waste producers from the 1st April 2016.

As a WasteCare client you need to take no further action.

In the meantime, we are altering our computer systems to provide the information the EA now require to ensure compliance. Our paperwork will change slightly. The good news is that you will no longer be required to pay the annual registration fee. However, to cover the additional administrative costs we will be increasing the Environment Agency hazardous waste collection fee to £45 per collection.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require further information.