
Are glass collection targets possible?

Posted on 6th November, 2012

Despite no increase in the latest glass packaging recycling figures Defra has stated that it still expects schemes to meet their 2012 targets. Provisional figures for the third quarter of 2012 published on the Agency’s National Packaging Waste Database show no improvement in the amount of glass packaging recycled compared to the first and second quarters, with just 350,000 tonnes reprocessed or exported. These latest results mean that 565,000 tonnes of glass packaging recycling will be required in the fourth quarter of the year in order to meet the total 2012 obligation of 1.7 million tonnes.

A Defra spokesperson said: “We expect producers to make every effort to comply with their packaging recycling and recovery obligations. The Agencies will take appropriate enforcement action against those who do not comply. We will continue to monitor the situation.”