
BatteryBack presents at the International Congress in Switzerland

Posted on 2nd October, 2015

Dave Reynolds has recently returned from the 20th International Congress on Battery Recycling in Montreux, Switzerland.

Dave ReynoldsThe event was a great opportunity for networking with researchers, customers and recyclers and Dave was proud to deliver a presentation to the 200 delegates on Wednesday afternoon. This included a brief introduction to BatteryBack followed by the challenges and opportunities for 2016 and beyond.

These are due to Defra’s recent long awaited clarification on the threshold for hand-carriable as 4Kg. This will significantly reduce the amount of portable lead acid evidence available to meet the 2016 Battery Directive collection target of 45% and thousands of tonnes of additional batteries will need to be collected and recycled.

BatteryBack is now working with its major customers and retailers to help educate and inform the public so that they improve their battery recycling behaviour.