Researchers at Warwick University have developed a new method of recycling mixed plastics which currently go to landfill or are burned.
The project is still in its early stages, but the team are now at a stage where they want to trial the scheme and are looking for a local tip where they can pilot the new technology.
The Warwick University team recently ran trials on the new system (previously reported in the Telegraph) that showed it can recover materials from a mixture of plastics and could potentially save local councils thousands of pounds a year.
Local councillor, Dave Nellist is calling on Coventry to be the first place in the world to trial the new system at the local London Road tip. He said: “This new technology could deal with some of the plastics that currently go to landfill or get incinerated.”
He continued: “The researchers have said they are so confident in the new technology that they believe within one year of using it local councils could recoup the capital costs by saving money from landfill tax and by using the recycled material for other things.”