
PackCare increases output

Posted on 28th March, 2013

The PackCare facility in Yorkshire processes blue plastic drums and IBC’s, containers that usually have a finite life due to the contents they are used to transport. The PackCare facility has developed a method of grading, recycling and preparing the containers for reuse through the use of a complex chemical wash procedure.

Inevitably, a proportion of the containers that pass through the site cannot be reused and are recycled instead using a wash, shredding and bale process. As companies have become aware of the savings this reuse procedure can offer, throughput has steadily climbed resulting in higher rates of refurbished container sales. To cope with the increased volumes, a new four shaft shredder has been purchased to substantially increase the output of the site and ensure more old drums can be handled responsibly. The new shredder is expected to process over 80 tonnes of material per week, whilst running more efficiently, further lowering our carbon footprint.