
Uncertain future

Posted on 7th May, 2010

As we wake up to a new if uncertain political regime and the most anxious economic climate since the 1930’s what impact will there be on the recycling sector?

“Poor societies waste less and recycle more. Unparalleled levels of debt have disguised to many how poor we now are as a country. The new Government will have no alternative but to reduce financial waste and cut the burgeoning public growth. In the absence of a decisive mandate we can only hope that we take the opportunity to unburden private enterprise and give light support to the recycling sector rather than weigh down recycling initiatives with all too often poor regulation and unnecessary bureaucracy.

“The Conservatives appear to have been the only party who addressed business waste management within their manifesto. They have promised to keep Landfill Tax at a minimum until 2020, this will give businesses the incentive to re-assess their waste management policy and look for greener ways of dealing with waste rather than sending more to landfill than any other member of the EC. The party have also pledged to set new voluntary agreements with producers and retailers to set targets for waste reduction and recycling. This would be a positive step forward; we now have to wait to see if they get the opportunity to make the change the country needs.”