
WRAP confirms theme for Recycle Week 2018

Posted on 6th June, 2018

Resources charity WRAP has announced that the theme for Recycle Week 2018 will be ‘Recycling. We do. Because it matters,’ with a strong emphasis on plastics. The week will take place between 24 -30 September 2018.

The charity is urging local authorities and organisations to get involved with the objective of encouraging more people to recycle around the home through “simple but important messages.”

Partners will also have the opportunity to bust myths and demonstrate why recycling plastic is crucial for the environment.

WRAP said: “This year, Blue Planet II motivated people to care about plastics in a way they never have before. Sustainability is now firmly on the national agenda and the public is looking to organisations to help solve major environmental issues.

That makes Recycle Week a greater opportunity than ever to change people’s recycling behaviours whilst gaining positive publicity and building your organisation’s reputation.”